From September 07 till September 10, the first Network Training Event of the MSCA ITN C-PlaNeT project takes place through online meetings.
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, it is impossible to have a face-to-face Network Training Event 1 in Leoben, Austria as planned. With this agenda, we hope to provide a workable alternative.
Detailed agenda
Full programme - for C-PlaNeT members:
Public programme - for anyone interested:
The morning session of the first day will consist of providing a progress report to the supervisory board. Participation is restricted to supervisory board members The afternoon session is the kick-off event for the ESRs and their respective PhD work. A general introduction to the project, the topic and the network will be given. This is plenary and will include the supervisors. Subsequently, all ESRs will introduce themselves and their topics.
Day two and day three consist of technical workshops for the ESRs covering the lifecycle of plastics. Most workshops and lectures are open to everyone interested.
Day four signals the start of the Cooperative learning (CooL) part. Through cooperative learning in base cooperative teams, the ESRs themselves will create a web of interconnectivity between the different research disciplines and topics.
Registration has closed. Meeting links will be send to the registered guests. Please enter the meeting room with your registered name. Non-registered people can be removed from the meeting upon reaching the room capacity.
