C-PlaNeT organises a series of network-wide training events (NTEs). These events are focused on training the ESRs in the use of tools and techniques for the development of resource-recovery technologies, and on developing complementary skills that are useful to enhance the exploitation of the research results and the market potential of newly developed technologies. Most workshops will involve an assignment where the ESRs will work together in small groups on a topic. The training is organised via
NTEs, based on three lines:
1/ Network-wide training workshops (WS)
At these multidisciplinary workshops, the ESRs will equip them- selves with a broad skillset, giving them the necessary foundations and insights into how circular plastics are today and could be tomorrow, as well as the necessary personal skills. The WSs typically include at least one interactive workshop and an industrial site visit.
2/ Micro-Teaching (mT)
The ESRs will take each other outside their respective boxes by micro-teaching their own subject to the other ESRs.
3/ Cooperative Learning (CooL)
Through cooperative learning in base cooperative teams, the ESRs themselves will create a web of interconnectivity between the different research disciplines and topics.