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Tiago Belé
Odour characterization, monitoring, control and removal from recycled plastics


Tiago Belé is an early stage researcher for C-PlaNeT, working on ESR 8 project “Odour characterization, monitoring, control and removal from recycled plastics”  in the Büttner Group from the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU - Germany).  

The objective of his research is to characterize the causative odour-active constituents in recycled plastics by using smell-guided chemo-analytical methods and use the knowledge of the molecular underpinnings of the respective smells for guiding odour-minimization technologies.  


Tiago obtained his bachelor’s degree from UNESP - Institute of Chemistry - (Brazil) in 2018.  During bachelor studies he did one year of studies at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary). 

He also holds a master’s degree in Environmental Technology, from UNICAMP - School of Technology - (Brazil), and focused on the adsorption of pesticides in microplastics after oxidation processes. During his masters he did a 6-month internship research at the University of Wuppertal (Germany). 


Tiago is a keen hiker, avid reader, a 'Lord of the Rings' fan, and holds a Spartan Race Trifecta medal.



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 859885.

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