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Manon Lisiecki

Product Design for Circularity


Manon Lisiecki is an early stage researcher for C-PlaNeT, working on ESR 3 project ‘Product Design for Circularity’, in the Environment Research Group, Department of Environmental Engineering at Denmark Technical University.

She focusses on understanding the links between plastic material properties, material functionality, product design, waste collection and recycling, to answer the increasing need of recycled content in plastic products. The objective of her research is to identify key requirements for circular plastic materials and products, and to provide a systematic platform for future developments in plastic materials, product design compatible with recycling solutions.


She obtained her bachelor’s degree in chemistry, from Chimie ParisTech PSL in 2017. She also holds a master’s degree in the same field, from Chimie ParisTech PSL, where she focused on the additives used in packaging plastics to improve their performances, in apprentice with industry.


Manon likes to apply chemistry skills and learn about the relationship between the molecular and macromolecular structures and the properties of additives or polymer plastics focusing on the sustainability aspects. 


Manon's other interests include outdoor activities and team sports in her free time.



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 859885.

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