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ESR 13



Nur Gizem Yalcin
Politics and governance in a circular plastics economy


Nur Gizem Yalcin is an early stage researcher for C-PlaNeT, working on ESR 13 project ‘Politics and governance in a circular plastics economy’, in the Centre for Sustainable Development, Department of Political Sciences at Ghent University. She focusses on how the circular plastics economy is being developed in the EU and its member states, which interpretations exist, whose definition dominates, and why. The objective of her research is to analyse these various interpretations and investigate different governance approaches that can accelerate the transition to a circular plastics economy.


Nur obtained her BSc degree in Political Science and Public Administration from Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2017. She also holds an MSc degree on Sustainable Development from Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, United Kingdom, where she was one of the recipients of SPRU 50th Anniversary Scholarships. On her master’s project, she examined the main drivers and barriers towards a circular economy transition in the city of Brighton and Hove.


Nur favours multi-disciplinary research and broader perspectives on sustainability. She values having fruitful discussions with colleagues from different backgrounds. She enjoys everything about music, being with nature and exploring new places. 


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 859885.

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